Undergraduate Teaching Assistant

Undergraduate course, Imperial College London, Department of Mathematics, 2023

I was a teaching assistant in the first-year calculus and applications course. I had the responsibility of conducting demonstrations and coordinating problem-solving sessions.

Indicative syllabus

  1. Fourier Transforms: Exponential, cosine and sine transforms; Elementary properties; Convolution theorem; Energy theorem.
  2. Ordinary Differential Equations: Introduction to ODEs: definitions and notations; Solutions for 1st and some 2nd order ODEs, linear ODEs; Separable, homogeneous and linear equations; Special cases; Linear higher order equations with constant coefficients; Systems of constant-coefficient linear ODEs; Qualitative Analysis of linear ODEs: Phase plane Analysis, stability of systems; Qualitative Analysis of nonlinear ODEs: Bifurcation Analysis. Including numerous examples from Newtonian dynamics such as motion point particle in an external potential and oscillatory motion.
  3. Introduction to Multivariable Calculus: General properties of functions of several variables; Partial derivatives and total derivatives; Second order derivatives and statement of condition for equality of mixed partial derivatives; Taylor expansions; Chain rule, change of variables, including planar polar coordinates.