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My name is Pantelis Tassopoulos, and I am currently pursuing a PhD in Probability Theory at the University of Cambridge (expected completion July 2027), studying a notion of universality encompassing a large class of random growth processes in the plane, namely, KPZ universality, under the supervision of Dr Sourav Sarkar.
Particularly, one can take many discrete models (e.g. sticky tetris) and associate to them a ‘height’ function over the real line and let it evolve in time. One can then consider scaling limits (with scaling where
is the original height function) of these functions (i.e. zooming out) which are conjectured to converge distributionally to the KPZ fixed point, which is a solution to the KPZ equation, a singular stochastic partial differential equation (SPDE) (the scaling was chosen heuristically so that if h(t,x) was a solution to the KPZ equation, then so would its scaled version be). This convergence has been proved for a limited number of models so far, (sticky tetris not being one of them!) and mathematicians are actively working on this. My current project is to study this KPZ fixed point and compare its law to that of Brownian motion and improve current known regularity results. I am not directly using techniques from SPDEs but plan to in the future.
My interests more generally are in Probability Theory, Stochastic analysis and Stochastic Partial Differential Equations.
Mentors that have guided me through my academic journey so far inlude: Dr. Sourav Sarkar, Dr. Paul Russell, Professor Perla Sousi, Professor Gregorios Pavliotis, Dr. Ajay Chandra, Sr. Pierre-Francois Rodriguez, Professor Igor Krasovsky and Professor Jonathan Mestel.